United NW24 Intercontinental Network Changes – 07JUL24

Published at 0800GMT 09JUL24

United Airlines in recent weeks gradually filed additional changes to its intercontinental service for Northern winter 2024/25 season, effective 26OCT24. Latest service changes based on schedule comparison 03MAR24 vs 07JUL24 includes the following.

Chicago O'Hare – Amsterdam eff 26OCT24 767-300ER replaces 787-8, 1 daily
Chicago O'Hare – London Heathrow eff 26OCT24 Reduce from 3 to 2 daily, 767-300ER
Chicago O'Hare – Milan Malpensa Service extends to 02DEC24, 6 weekly 787-8
Chicago O'Hare – Paris Charles de Gaulle eff 26OCT24 1 daily 787-8 service maintained, replacing previously filed 767-300ER
Chicago O'Hare – Rome Fiumicino Service extends into winter season, 1 daily 787-8 (no service 03DEC24 – 05MAR25)
Houston – Bogota 19DEC24 – 06JAN25 1 of 2 daily UA207/206 757-200 replaces 737 MAX 8
Houston – London Heathrow eff 26OCT24 UA005/004 777-200ER service maintained, replacing previously filed 787-9 (Overall 2 daily 777-200ER)
Houston – Sao Paulo Guarulhos eff 26OCT24 1 daily 787-9 service maintained, replacing previously filed 777-200ER
Houston – Tokyo Narita eff 26OCT24 1 daily 787-9 service maintained, replacing previously filed 777-200ER
Newark – Athens 1 daily 767-400ER operates until 20NOV24 instead of 02DEC24
Newark – Barcelona 777-200ER replaces 767-400ER during following periods, 1 daily: 27OCT24 – 02DEC24, 13FEB25 – 05MAR05, 09MAR25 – 28MAR25
Newark – Hong Kong United as of 07JUL24 continues to list 1 daily 777-200ER service from 27OCT24, however reservation only available at highest fare-classes (J / O / Y / B)
Newark – Paris Charles de Gaulle Frequency variation to 2nd daily UA054/055
27OCT24 – 18DEC24 767-400ER replaces -300ER
19DEC24 – 05MAR25 Reduce from 7 to 4 weekly (Overall service reduces from 14 to 11 weekly)
UA originally scheduled 7 weekly from 19DEC24, service suspension 06JAN25 – 12FEB25, 4 weekly eff 15FEB25)

Newark – Tokyo Narita eff 27OCT24 1 daily 787-9 service maintained, replacing previously filed 777-200ER
San Francisco – Hong Kong 19DEC24 – 05MAR25 1 of 2 daily UA877/862 777-200ER replaces -300ER (Overall 1 daily each -200ER/-300ER)
San Francisco – Paris Charles de Gaulle
06JAN25 – 19FEB25 Seasonal service suspension (Previous: suspended until 12FEB25)
eff 20FEB25 Service increase from 4 to 7 weekly, 777-200ER (Previous: eff 13FEB25)

San Francisco – Tokyo Narita eff 07JAN25 777-300ER replaces -200ER, 1 daily
Washington Dulles – Amsterdam eff 26OCT24 767-300ER replaces 787-8, 1 daily (767-400ER scheduled from 06MAR25)
Washington Dulles – Barcelona
26OCT24 – 01DEC24 767-400ER replaces -300ER, 5 weekly
06JAN25 – 12FEB25 Seasonal service suspension
eff 13FEB25 Increase from originally filed 4 weekly to 5 (Previously reported)

Washington Dulles – Dublin
06JAN25 – 19FEB25 Seasonal service suspension (Previous: suspended until 12FEB25)
eff 20FEB25 Service increase from 4 to 7 weekly, 757-200 operating (Previous: eff 13FEB25)

Washington Dulles – Geneva Reduce from 7 to 6 weekly during following periods, 167-seater 767-300ER operating: 26OCT24 – 18DEC24, 07JAN25 – 08MAR25 (Previous: 6 weekly maintained for entire March)
Washington Dulles – Lagos 04DEC24 – 12FEB25 Subject to government approval, increase from 4 to 7 weekly, 787-8 operating
Washington Dulles – Lisbon
06JAN25 – 19FEB25 Seasonal service suspension (Previous: suspended until 12FEB25)
eff 20FEB25 Service increase from 4 to 7 weekly, 767-300ER operating (Previous: eff 12FEB25)

Washington Dulles – London Heathrow
eff 26OCT24 Reduce from 3 to 2 daily
eff 06MAR25 UA924/925 777-200ER replaces 767-300ER (Overall 2 daily 777-200ER)

Washington Dulles – Madrid Service extended to 02DEC24 for winter season, 1 daily 767-400ER
Washington Dulles – Paris Charles de Gaulle
eff 26OCT24 787-8 replaces 777-200ER, 1 daily
Washington Dulles – Rome Fiumicino
06JAN25 – 19FEB25 Seasonal service suspension (Previous: suspended until 12FEB25)
eff 20FEB25 Service increase from 4 to 7 weekly, 767-400ER

Previously reported changes between April and June 2024:
Chicago O'Hare – Zurich
06JAN25 – 12FEB25 Seasonal service suspension
eff 13FEB25 Service increase from 4 to 6 weekly, 167-seater 767-300ER operating

Denver – Munich
06JAN25 – 12FEB25 Seasonal service suspension
eff 13FEB25 Service increase from 4 to 7 weekly. 787-9 operating

Houston – Buenos Aires Ezeiza Northern winter 2024/25 seasonal increase from 7 weekly to following, 777-200ER operating
04DEC24 – 11FEB25 14 weekly (Previous: 10 weekly)
12FEB25 – 05MAR25 10 weekly

Houston – Medellin eff 13NOV24 1 daily 737 MAX 8, new route
Houston – Munich
06JAN25 – 12FEB25 Seasonal service suspension
eff 13FEB25 Service increase from 4 to 5 weekly, 767-300ER operating

Los Angeles – Auckland Service cancelled; Previously scheduled 3 weekly from 26OCT24 (4 from 03DEC24) with 787-9
Los Angeles – Brisbane Service cancelled; Previously scheduled 3 weekly from 04DEC24 with 787-9
Los Angeles – Hong Kong eff 26OCT24 Increase from 1 to 2 daily, 787-9
Los Angeles – Shanghai Pu Dong eff 26OCT24 Increase from 4 weekly to 7 weekly, 787-9
Newark – Lima 08DEC24 – 18JAN25 Increase from 4 to 7 weekly, 757-200
Newark – Marrakech eff 24OCT24 3 weekly 167-seater 767-300ER, new route
Newark – Munich
06JAN25 – 12FEB25 Seasonal service suspension
eff 13FEB25 Service increase from 4 to 7 weekly, 767-400ER operating

Newark – Tenerife South eff 26SEP24 Service extends to year-round, 3 weekly 757-200
San Francisco – Brisbane eff 25OCT24 777-200ER replaces 787-9, 1 daily (777-300ER operates from 19DEC24 to 05MAR25)
San Francisco – Frankfurt
06JAN25 – 12FEB25 Seasonal service reduction from 2 to 1 daily, 777-300ER
eff 13FEB25 Service increase from 11 to 14 weekly, 777-200ER/-300ER operating

San Francisco – Osaka Kansai 09JAN25 – 23FEB25 Reduce from 7 to 5 weekly, 777-200ER
San Francisco – Papeete eff 26OCT24 787-8 replaces -9 for all dates including 2025. Service reduce from 5 to 4 weekly

San Francisco – Seoul Incheon
eff 25OCT24 Seasonal 2 daily service extends to year-round, 1 daily each 777-200ER/787-9
San Francisco – Taipei Taoyuan
26OCT24 – 06JAN25 1 of 2 daily UA853/852 777-300ER replaces -200ER (Overall 2 daily -300ER)
19JAN25 – 12FEB25 Reduce from 14 to 10 weekly

Tokyo Narita – Cebu eff 27OCT24 1 daily 737-800, new route (Previous: eff 31JUL24)
Washington Dulles – Accra eff 13FEB25 Reduce from previously filed 5 weekly to 3 for Feb/Mar 2025, 787-8 operating

Jim Liu

Jim previously launched and ran Airlineroute between 2007 and 2020, now owns and runs AeroRoutes.


Delta NW24 Intercontinental Network Changes – 07JUL24


United Extends Bermuda to Year-Round Service in NW24