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Austrian NW24 Europe Frequency Changes – 26MAY24

Published at 1400GMT 27MAY24

Austrian Airlines in last week's schedule update filed initial frequency changes to its European operation for Northern winter 2024/25 season. Based on schedule comparison 03MAR24 vs 26MAY24, changes to total number of flights scheduled between 27OCT24 and 29MAR25, based on one-way departure from Vienna as follows. Note certain services are operating under Leisure flights.

Vienna departure:
Amsterdam 533 > 549
Athens 154 > 182
Barcelona 258 > 262
Belgrade 395 > 390
Bucharest 527 > 481
Budapest 397 > 419
Chisinau 154 > 231
Cologne/Bonn 238 > 208
Copenhagen 559 > 556
Florence 67 > 70
Frankfurt 1694 > 1624
Gran Canaria/Las Palmas 2 > 71 (service now scheduled for entire season)
Hamburg 491 > 506
Iasi 99 > 98
Irakleion 7 > 11
Kosice 154 > 235
Larnaca 146 > 157
Lyon 143 > 147
Malaga 105 > 115
Marseille 66 > 68
Munich 592 > 576
Naples 84 > 88
Nice 130 > 148
Palma de Mallorca 141 > 150
Podgorica 132 > 154
Porto 64 > 23
Prague 403 > 425
Prishtina 197 > 243
Rhodes 4 > 5
Rome Fiumicino 259 > 263
Rovaniemi 18 > 31
Sarajevo 285 > 286
Seville 62 > 56
Sibiu 88 > 87
Skopje 219 > 234
Sofia 461 > 453
Stockholm Arlanda 335 > 336
Tenerife South 2 > 71 (service now scheduled for entire season)
Thessaloniki 110 > 103
Tirana 264 > 289
Valencia 62 > 69
Varna 88 > 117
Warsaw 506 > 498
Yerevan 88 > 83
Zagreb 244 > 154
Zurich 700 > 708

Yerevan in the OAG is categorized under Europe.